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November 5, 2019

Since November 7, 2000, Texas has not gone a day without a death on its roads. And while the most recent figures show that nationwide roadway fatalities were down in 2017, Texas tops the list of total fatalities across all 50 states. Safe driving is personal to us at Texas Mutual. We provide coverage to 1.5 million workers and see the impact of motor vehicle accidents every day in our claims. So, to help end the streak of deaths on Texas roads, we’re sharing tips to help you and those around you be safer on the road.

image of car wreck

Improve driving behavior with StriveSafe

Texas Mutual is helping reduce roadway fatalities by offering our policyholders a proven solution at a discount. We've used the solution at Texas Mutual and have seen a 60% improvement in our employee's driving behavior. See how StriveSafe can help your employees stay safe on the road.

Adopt a phone-free while driving policy

Over two years ago, Texas Mutual adopted a phone-free while driving policy. We’ve asked our employees to either wait to return a call or text until they make it safely to their destination or pull over before picking up the phone. We’re upholding our commitment to safety first by shifting the culture from one that is constantly connected. Adopt a phone-free while driving policy for your workplace and download our distraction free while driving poster, also available in Spanish, to promote a safe driving culture.

Watch and share our 60 Seconds to Safe Driving series

In just sixty seconds, you can show your employees memorable lessons on staying safe behind the wheel. The 60 Seconds to Safe Driving video series features Texas Mutual’s vice president sharing five life-saving tips: slow down, power down, lie down, calm down and buckle up. Watch the series and share them in your next safety training.

Be Safe. Drive Smart.

In 2018, 3,639 people died on Texas roads, averaging 10 deaths per day. Texas Mutual shares its commitment to safe driving with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). Over the last several years, Texas Mutual has partnered with TxDOT to support its public education and awareness campaigns in effort to reduce crashes and save lives. Explore Be Safe. Drive Safe. to find safety tips, public service announcements, posters and more.

For a stronger, safer Texas

Join us in making our roads safer. You can make a difference by implementing StriveSafe in your workplace, adopting a phone-free while driving policy, watching and sharing the 60 Seconds to Safe Driving series, and following the Be Safe. Drive Smart. safety tips. Make a commitment to be a safer driver on the roads to protect yourself and those around you, and help Texas get to zero.