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January 16, 2020

At Texas Mutual we’re committed to protecting our policyholders’ businesses, promoting safe workplaces and making sure hard-working Texans get home safely every day. This commitment means that we’re on the job with our 70,000 policyholders and their 1.5 million workers 365 days a year. Last year, we highlighted some of these workers as part of our On the Job campaign and are proud to share their stories.

Warren Paynes – Lead Residential Driver, Texas Disposal Systems Inc. (TDS)  

As a lead residential driver, Warren’s focus is on working safely and serving others. From pre-inspecting his truck to minimizing driving distractions, he utilizes safe working techniques to protect him, his coworkers and the public.

Watch Warren's story to see how he and TDS work to keep Texas roads safe and clean. 



Nallely Villanueva – Commercial Roofer, KPost Roofing & Waterproofing

Nallely gets to see to see a view of North Texas that most people don’t – from the roofs of skyscrapers. She does her best work ten stories up, where she relies on her training, her crew and her employer to keep her safe.

See Nallely's story and learn how her commitment to working safe helps her employer earn a dividend from Texas Mutual. 

Kim Fields – Family Services Advocate, Child Care Associates

Kim grew up in the Child Care Associates program where she later went on to enroll her son and then joined the program as an employee. In her role, Kim is paying it back and helping other families in need. Whether she’s helping children on the playground or in the classroom, she always keeps safety top of mind. 

Read more about Kim and how her focus on safety helps Child Care Associates earn a dividend from Texas Mutual. 

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Danny Vowell – CDL Driver, Basden Steel Corporation

With almost 40 years in the industry, Danny is committed to working in a timely manner while also keeping safety at the forefront so that he gets home to his family every day. After Danny was injured on the job, he was eager to get back to work. Texas Mutual worked with Basden Steel to create a return-to-work program to help him recover sooner and earn money.

Read Danny's full story to learn how Baden Steel’s return-to-work program helped him get back behind the wheel.

Sidney “Skip” Redd, Ph.D – Choir Director, Life High School Waxahachie

Dr. Redd’s life changed dramatically when he suffered a severe spinal cord injury during a school field trip. Texas Mutual stepped in to provide expert guidance and help him get the care he needed. His determination to get better paired with long therapy days helped him get back to a life he loves. 

Watch Dr. Redd's inspiring road to recovery.



David Silva – Press Brake Operator, Steelhead Inc.

David’s day-to-day tasks include bending steel but what’s most impressive is his goal to be 100% healthy when he comes in to work and when he gets home to his family every day. His employer Steelhead Inc. emphasizes a culture of safety and utilizes Texas Mutual’s resources to help protect its employees.

See David's story to learn about his experience in the manufacturing industry and how Steelhead Inc. helps him work safely.

Ensuring hard-working Texans like Warren, Nallely, Kim, Danny, Dr. Redd and David get home to their families safely every day is the reason we do what we do. By providing our policyholders with safety resources, training and support, we’re on a mission to create a stronger, safer Texas one business at a time.