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February 6, 2020

Did you know that heart disease is the cause of 1 out of every 3 deaths for women? It’s the number one killer of women in the U.S., claiming 299,578 lives in 2017. But while this disease takes a terrible toll on families and communities, there is hope. With greater awareness, women can learn the risks and take steps to prevent heart attacks and strokes.

Houston regional office employees support Go Red

Texas Mutual team members from the Houston Regional Office "Go Red."

February is Women’s Heart Health Month, and Texas Mutual Insurance Company is joining the effort to promote a heart-healthy lifestyle. By adopting the American Heart Association’s Life's Simple 7® strategy, women can significantly reduce their risk of cardiovascular disease.

Life’s Simple 7®

  1. Stop smoking – Smoking cigarettes is a proven cause of heart disease.
  2. Eat better –  A heart-healthy diet is one of the best defenses against cardiovascular disease.
  3. Get active –  Staying active helps women live longer and have a better quality of life.
  4. Lose weight –  Shedding those extra pounds reduces the burden on the heart.
  5. Manage blood pressure –  Staying within the normal range puts less strain on the heart and arteries.
  6. Control cholesterol –  High cholesterol contributes to plaque buildup that can lead to heart disease and stroke.
  7. Reduce blood sugar –  Over time, high levels of blood sugar can damage the heart and other organs.

Studies have shown that women who achieve the Life's Simple 7® goals have a significantly lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease. That’s good news for everyone — including employers. The behaviors addressed by the Life's Simple 7® represent 7 out of the top 10 most costly risk factors for businesses. But employees who remain in the optimal range in those categories have much lower health care costs.

Employers can take steps to help women lower their risk of heart attacks and strokes by being proactive in their approach to employee health. Those steps can include offering health screenings to ensure that workers know their numbers and risks; providing fitness programs, counseling or other support measures; and distributing information so that women know the signs and symptoms of cardiovascular disease.

The American Heart Association provides guidance and assistance to businesses looking to establish health screening programs for their employees. And during February, Austin businesses can do even more by joining the effort to Go Red for Women.

The American Heart Association’s Go Red campaign is more than a fundraiser, it’s an opportunity to put a spotlight on helpful measures women can take to improve their heart health. By raising awareness, companies will be helping their employees and others live longer, healthier lives.

Texas Mutual partners with the American Heart Association to support programs aimed at improving women’s heart health. It’s part of our ongoing commitment to serve the community. If you’d like to join the effort or learn more about the February 28 Go Red luncheon in Austin, visit the event page.