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July 21, 2023

OSHA proposes PPE rule, updates to recordkeeping and more

female safety inspector

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

OSHA announces proposed ruling on personal protective equipment

A notice of proposed rulemaking was announced with an intent to clarify OSHA’s current personal protective equipment (PPE) standard for the construction industry. The proposed change would align the construction industry PPE standard with general industry and maritime standards, which specify that the employer must provide properly fitting PPE to each affected employee. Comments on the proposed rulemaking are due by September 18.

OSHA updates rule on recordkeeping

OSHA has finalized its updated rule on electronic submissions of annual injury and illness data. Beginning January 1, 2024, establishments with 100 or more employees in specified industries will be required to submit data from OSHA Forms 300, 301 and 300A by March 2 each year. Establishments with 20-249 employees will still be required to submit OSHA Form 300A.

Webinar on transportation issues and OSHA inspections

EHS Daily Advisor is hosting a webinar next week to discuss OSHA regulations that affect the transportation industry. Topics will include consequences of non-compliance, OSHA inspections and retaliation claims. The webinar is scheduled for July 26.

Studies, resources, trends, news

Tips on heat illness prevention

To help prevent heat-related illnesses during the summer months, the National Safety (NSC) explains the signs and symptoms to look out for on its hot weather website page. The page also includes prevention methods and proper first-aid responses to employees experiencing heat exhaustion and heat stroke.

Resources on psychological safety

A recent briefing by McKinsey & Company defines psychological safety in the workplace and gives employers practical ways to improve the health and safety for individuals and teams. The interactive website page also provides additional resources for those interested in learning more.

Improving real-time gas detection

An article from Occupational Health & Safety discusses how real-time gas detection can improve response time during emergencies. The article explains how adding a 24/7 monitoring service can help can track the same sensor data as manual monitoring and help employees respond quickly.

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