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December 22, 2023

OSHA leader on fatalities, MSHA mobile equipment rule and more

Employees in orange coveralls

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

OSHA leader reflects on 2022 workplace fatality data

Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health Doug Parker issued a statement in response to the 2022 Census of Fatal Occupational Industries report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). In light of the 5.7% increase in workplace fatalities in 2022, Parker reiterated the importance of OSHA’s work. He also highlighted the importance of protecting those at greater risk of injuries and illnesses such as Black and Hispanic employees, whose fatality rates grew by 12.4% and 10.4%, respectively.

The Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA)

MSHA’s final rule mandating that mine operators have written safety programs for surface mobile equipment at surface mines and the surface areas of underground mines becomes effective January 19, 2024. The rule also addresses the hazards of powered haulage equipment and machinery, which are the leading causes of injuries and fatalities in the industry. Beginning January 2024, district managers will meet with mining industry stakeholders to help guide compliance.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

CDC urges vaccinations and therapeutics as respiratory illnesses increase

The CDC issued a health advisory to health care providers about low vaccination rates against influenza, COVID-19 and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). The agency warns that a combination of lower immunization rates and increases in these and other respiratory diseases could result in more serious disease cases and pressure on health care capacity. Health care providers are also urged by the CDC to recommend antiviral medications to eligible patients for the treatment of influenza and COVID-19.

The Texas Department of Insurance, Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC)

DWC publishes injury and illness rates report

A recent DWC report shows trends for work-related injuries and illnesses for 2021-2022, including data for cases with days away from work. The report adds a new set of data, separating cases with days of job transfer or restriction (DJTR) from the combined days away from work, days of restricted work activity or days with a job transfer (DART). The separation of DJRT data, which accounts for 45% of DART data, can give a better context for understanding trends in workplace injuries across different demographics and industries.

Tips on space heater safety

To help avoid fires, DWC provides several resources on space heater safety, including six written tips, a one-minute video and other written material. The agency provides tips for the inspection, proper use of electrical power, placement and attended use of these warmth-generating appliances.