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On the job

Nallely Villanueva

KPost Roofing & Waterproofing | Dallas


Nallely Villanueva has friends in high places. Sometimes very high places.

They’re her crewmates at KPost Roofing & Waterproofing. Because of her job, she’s seen the North Texas region from the roofs of several city skyscrapers. It’s challenging work, but it has its rewards.

“I can tell you that the sunrises you see from up there are spectacular,” she said. “It’s one of the best things about my job. Sometimes working at that height gets my adrenaline going, but the view is definitely worth it.”

Nallely is a commercial roofer. On the job, she keeps the area clean and organized, makes sure materials are where they need to be and helps install the roof. She takes a lot of pride in her work.

“I talk to people and they’re always interested in what I do. I’m proud that I’m able to do the job, and be successful at it, and hopefully that’s helping create opportunities for other women.”

Nallely’s been with KPost just over a year. She likes her job, her company and her crewmates, and feels fortunate to be doing what she’s doing — especially since it happened by accident.

Nallely Villanueva on the job

“I came to KPost by chance,” she explained. “I was traveling with some friends and we were supposed to go to work somewhere else, but my GPS took us to KPost by mistake. I saw that the sign said ‘roofing’ and I said, ‘Let’s apply here.’ There were six of us and we all got jobs.”

Though she’s glad to be in the field, she’s aware of the risks that come with working in the industry. They include the potential of falling from heights, ladder-related injuries, being cut by sharp objects or nails that might be on the ground, strains from lifting, and the dangers of working near vehicles and machinery. Being aware of her surroundings and taking the proper precautions helps her stay safe.

Her employer helps, too. KPost is committed to safety. They hold regular meetings and training sessions, and furnish safety equipment like harnesses, lassos, safety glasses and boots. They also provide fluids and ice throughout the day to make sure their employees stay hydrated in the heat.

But one of the most effective safety measures is having a crew that knows and trusts each other.

“We’re a team, almost like a family,” Nallely said. “I take care of them, and they take care of me.”

Because Nallely and her crewmates work safe, KPost has earned dividends from Texas Mutual, their workers’ comp provider. In 2019, Texas Mutual’s dividend program sent $330 million to 55,000 policyholders across the state. We’re proud to reward safe Texas businesses, and honored to be on the job with hardworking employees like Nallely Villanueva.

Learn more about Texas Mutual's dividend program.

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