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Just for Agents

Workers' compensation is good for Texas —
and Texas Mutual is good for insurance agents.

Cameron knows the formula
to help you succeed


For underwriters, getting your client the right combination of coverage and premium is a formula. But as Cameron Crabbe will tell you, that formula involves more than numbers.

“We’re looking at the history of their claims count, at claims frequency, at severity,” said Cameron, senior underwriter for Texas Mutual Insurance Company. “But we also want to hear about what they’re doing to keep their employees safe. We want to hear about training, about whether they’re providing PPE (personal protective equipment). We want to know all the extra steps they’re taking to protect their employees.”

Getting a full picture of a company’s safety program requires a little more effort, but for Cameron, it’s part of being a good partner. The more information he has to work with, the more he can do for the agent.

“We’re committed to helping our agents every way we can. That’s why we focus on being a well-rounded company that has a lot more to offer than just a premium number,” he said. “For example, our dividend program is something that makes everybody happy. When your clients start getting a check that gives them back a fourth or half of their premium, they’re like ‘oh yeah, this is nice.’ So it’s a true partnership. We’re working with you to help you win the business.”

Cameron has been with Texas Mutual for seven years. Over that time, he’s developed long-standing work relationships with agents, a familiarity that helps get things done.

“Some carriers switch underwriters a lot, so there’s never that stability. But at Texas Mutual, we’re focused on consistency,” he said. “We want you to be working with the same underwriter for five, ten years. Really, the only time we change is when someone gets promoted or goes to another office.”

By knowing how your agency works, Cameron and his team are able to make adjustments to better meet your needs. For example, they’re very good about getting things out quickly when someone has a hard deadline. They can also serve in an educational role when an agent needs information about a specific issue.

“We only underwrite workers’ comp, so we’re masters of that line of coverage,” he said. “We want agents to understand that if you have a workers’ comp question or need, Texas Mutual is your go-to.”

At Texas Mutual, we know that, as a partner, being responsive and doing our job well is the best way to help your agency succeed. It’s why we put great people like Cameron on your team.

To learn more about our commitment to our agent-partners, visit our Just For Agents page.

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