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Just for Agents

Workers' compensation is good for Texas —
and Texas Mutual is good for insurance agents.

This Is Carisa. She's on Your Team.

Carisa Escobedo-Garcia

Chances are you don't know Carisa Escobedo-Garcia. You've never seen her compiling reports and analyzing data to identify trends and areas of need. You haven't been there when she's meeting with IT developers and user experience analysts to address your concerns. You have no idea how much time she spends thinking about the way you work. No, you might never meet Carisa, but she works for you.

And what she does has a profound effect on your business.

Carisa is a product owner for Texas Mutual. She's been with the company for six years. "I'm an advocate for the customer," Carisa said.

Being an advocate means dealing with a wide range of issues that affect you and your clients. But it doesn't end there. Part of Carisa's job is anticipating what you'll need in the future, and working with her team to make sure it's available and delivered in a way that's most useful to you.

Much of her focus is on online applications dealing with claims, loss information and safety resources. She's also involved with the injured worker mobile app and tools for health care providers. Each of those resources, in one way or another, has an impact on agents and the way you serve your clients.

"When we advocate on behalf of the policyholder, we're enabling the agent to ultimately support that policyholder better by giving them tools and information," Carisa explained. "And agents can utilize that information to communicate with their clients about how they can improve their loss ratios, decrease their overall premium and keep their workers safe."

Making sure agents have what they need is part of being a good partner. And that agent-carrier partnership is essential to Texas Mutual's operation.

"Agents are an extension of Texas Mutual," said Carisa. "They're out there generating and supporting relationships with policyholders, both prospective and active. Agents really are our partners in keeping Texas workers covered and safe."

For Carisa, understanding the technology that will ultimately allow agents and their clients to work more effectively is an important part of her job. But even more important is a skill that doesn't show on a resume: empathy.

"Empathy is a big thing in this job, and it's vital to the work we do," Carisa said. "As we go through each screen on a product we're developing, we're constantly asking ourselves, ‘Is this how the user would best interact with this information?' And so our user experience team is specifically designed to reach out not only to policyholders and injured workers, but also to our agents so that we can determine how they use our tools. We want to get direct feedback from them."

Carisa is a Texas Mutual employee, but she works for you. She's just one of the many exceptional people working behind the scenes to ensure you have the resources and technology you need to build your business.

Texas Mutual is proud of our people, and we're honored to work with great agents across the state. It's just another way Texas Mutual is changing the way workers' comp works for you. To learn more, visit our Just for Agents page.

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