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Just for Agents

Workers' compensation is good for Texas —
and Texas Mutual is good for insurance agents.

Felishia Redd isn't just taking your call —
she's part of your team.

Felisha Redd, Texas Mutual Information Specialist

When you call Texas Mutual Insurance Company, you’re contacting the number one workers’ comp provider in Texas — but you’re talking to Felishia Redd.

And that means you get the answers you need.

Felishia is an Information Specialist II. Her job is to make sure you get the assistance you’re seeking in the fastest, most convenient way possible. With 22 years of experience, she knows how agents work and by anticipating your needs, she’s better prepared to take care of you and your clients.

“I like helping people and building relationships with my customers,” she said. “When I’m handling a phone call with an agent, I’m focused on making a lasting impression. I want to be able to address their questions, and if I can’t help them, I’m going to get them to the right place so they can get the help that they need.”

Making the process work smoothly requires training and technology. Felishia is adept in the use of our response management system, a program that instantly provides her with important information regarding your inquiry.

“It lets me identify the specific information about that customer and their call,” she said. “It’s important to ask the right questions and find out exactly what they need so I can provide them with answers. That’s why our training is so intense. We need to be able to maneuver through the system and locate information very quickly. When an agent calls, there’s an added sense of urgency, because they may have an employer waiting on a quote. They need assistance right now. So it’s very important that we’re able to access the information we need and provide them with that help.”

Texas Mutual has a strong commitment to serving our agents — that begins with our call center. When Felishia or any of our Information Specialists pick up the phone, they’re working for you. Each of them is part of your team and fully committed to helping you do more for your business.

“My favorite thing is when I’m ending a call, and the person on the line says ‘Thank you, Felishia, I really appreciate your help. You’ve been awesome.’ That lets me know that I’ve done my job the right way,” she said. “We value our agents and I’m here to help them. I think it’s important they know they’re not just talking to a company, they’re talking to someone who cares. That applies to our entire team. They want to build a rapport with agents and employers, and they’re people you can trust.”

At Texas Mutual, we’re committed to serving our agents and making sure your experience is friendly, focused and beneficial. It’s why we put great people like Felishia on your team. By being there for you, she’s helping us be a better provider. Texas Mutual is changing the way workers’ comp works for our agents. To learn more, visit our Just For Agents page.

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