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Just for Agents

Workers' compensation is good for Texas —
and Texas Mutual is good for insurance agents.

COVID-19 has changed a lot of things —
but not our relationships with you.

Jeff Sekiguchi, Texas Mutual agency specialist

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way you interact with your clients — and with us. There are fewer handshakes, fewer face-to-face meetings and much more time spent talking to a computer screen.

Throughout this crisis, you’ve done an amazing job of adapting to the situation and showing a commitment to service that makes you an asset to your clients and your agency. We appreciate your work and all you’ve done to help us continue to protect Texas businesses and their employees.

We understand this period has presented many challenges and we want you to know we’re here to help.

“I like working with great agents and knowing I can help them. It’s a good feeling,” said Jeff Sekiguchi, an agency specialist who’s been with Texas Mutual for seven years. “My main goal is to be the agency’s first point of contact. So if they need to talk through an audit or a claim or something else, they can call me and I’ll either be able to answer their question directly, or know who will be able to know the answer. That way, they’re not having to spend any time tracking down that information.”

Jeff is part of a team of individuals who are focused on helping your agency be more productive, more profitable and more responsive to your clients during this critical period. And while distancing requirements have meant spending less time in agents’ offices, Jeff has utilized online tools and other forms of outreach to stay connected.

It’s a connection that helps your agency in numerous ways. For example, he recently served as the liaison between agents and our IT professionals as we upgraded our online systems. “I’m here to make the process easier,” he said. “We showed them what we were working on, they critiqued it, and we were able to create a system that worked for them.”

Jeff is just one of the people we have working behind the scenes to make your business stronger. They’re our employees, but they’re on your team — and what they know makes a big difference for your agency.

“We’re the experts for workers’ comp in Texas,” he explained. “We’re not spreading our focus between 20 or 30 different products. We do one thing, in one state, and we’re committed to doing it really well.”

At Texas Mutual, we’re changing the way workers’ comp works for your agency and clients. If you need information about how your agency or clients can navigate the COVID-19 pandemic, take a look at our resources and FAQs. To learn more about our commitment to the agent-carrier partnership, visit our Just For Agents page.

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