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Just for Agents

Workers' compensation is good for Texas —
and Texas Mutual is good for insurance agents.

Scott Bain is on your team — and what he knows about safety pays dividends


The western half of the Lone Star State covers a lot of territory. It’s not just the miles, it’s the variety. This endless stretch of landscape is home to every industry under the Texas sun. But no matter what the people here do for a living, Scott Bain and his crew can help them do it safer.

And in the process, they make your clients happier.

“Safety is our passion and we take it very seriously,” explains Scott, Regional Safety Manager in Texas Mutual’s Lubbock office. “I think one of the things companies find interesting is the sheer number of safety resources we make available to them. And we’re completely accessible for assistance. We will work with any policyholder to better their safety program. That aligns with our dividend program which provides a financial incentive for companies to work safe. And who doesn’t like getting a dividend?”

This year, Texas Mutual sent $330 million to safe businesses across the state. It marked our 23rd consecutive year of distributing dividends — more than $3.4 billion since 1999. The way we see it, rewarding safety is just good business — good for us, good for our policyholders and good for agents.

“The dividend is a great tool, a great conversation starter,” says Scott. “From an agent’s perspective, it’s essentially the hook. There aren’t many carriers that offer what we offer, especially when you consider it’s based on safety.”

As an agent, you build loyalty by making sure your clients have access to products and services that make their businesses stronger. With Texas Mutual, safety earns dividends and that helps you keep good clients with your agency. Of course, safety doesn’t happen by accident, it takes training, resources and guidance — which is why Scott is a valuable member of your team.

“Prior to coming to the insurance side of the business, I worked many years in heavy industry as a safety professional,” he says. “It gave me a unique perspective on the challenges that companies face in developing and implementing a robust safety program. And one of the things I learned is that there are no cookie cutter solutions. Each company has very specific needs and it’s my job to help them create the right program for their business.”  

Scott and his crew are your clients’ personal connection to safety. They visit workplaces, identify risks and recommend improvements and resources to enhance that company’s safety program. And while you might never meet them, their work makes an important contribution to your agency.

At Texas Mutual, we’re committed to working as a true partner with our agents helping you grow your business. With dividends, safety services and hundreds of dedicated professionals focused on supporting your team, we’re changing the way workers’ comp works for you.

To learn more, visit our Just For Agents page.

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