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May 10, 2018

The BP MS 150 two-day bike ride from Houston to Austin is a Texas Mutual tradition and this year, our team rode nearly 10,000 miles combined and raised more than $64,000 to support multiple sclerosis research and awareness. It's a time that builds camaraderie and brings our employees together to support a common cause.

From months of training to crossing the finish line at the Circuit of the Americas, it's a memorable time for everyone involved. Spot the Texas Mutual Cyclists with their custom jerseys and matching socks in the pictures below.


Our participation in the MS 150 is part of our larger commitment to build a stronger, safer Texas. In case you missed it, we kicked off this year with our annual fundraiser for the United Way, bringing in $164,000 for the organization. We’ll continue to share how we empower our employees to make a difference in our communities.