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December 19, 2018

You, as an employer, have the power to positively impact an injured worker's recovery and return to work. The secret is an empathetic approach. We're sharing the benefits, how to get started and giving you tips to use this approach in our three-part compassion article series.

Part 1: The secret to improving workers' compensation outcomes

See the benefits of using an empathetic approach in the workplace and find out how to get started.

Part 2: The key to compassion: what your employee is really thinking when they are injured on the job

Learn the most common fears and concerns that injured workers have and find out how to avoid hazardous mindsets that could damage the employer-employee relationship.

Part 3: Show compassion to make a difference in your employee's return to work

Find tips and tools to incorporate a proactive and an employee-focused approach for return to work.