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January 6, 2023

OSHA electronic submission updates, healthier workplace tips and more

Workers with paperwork

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

Proposed updates to OSHA’s electronic submission rule move forward

OSHA’s amended regulation for the electronic submission of injury and illness data is one step closer to finalization. If passed, the new rule would require establishments with 100 or more employees in certain industries to submit all three OSHA forms instead of just OSHA Form 300A.

Studies, resources, trends, news

Tips for creating a healthier workplace this year

An OH&S podcast episode provides tips for creating a healthier workplace environment this year. Topics include providing comfortable workstation equipment, encouraging movement, promoting wellness and investing in technology that allows communication for remote employees.

Preparing warehouse docks for winter weather

Winter weather can increase hazards for employees and damage warehouse equipment. The Texas Department of Insurance, Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC) shares five steps for winterizing loading docks, including optimizing visibility and using additional restraints to prevent trailer creep.

Ten tips for oil and gas industry safety

Safety procedures are crucial within the hazardous industry of oil and gas. A North American Energy Pipelines article provides ten essential tips to employees ranging from supporting communication and staying alert to following good driving habits.

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