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January 13, 2023

Upcoming OSHA recordkeeping deadline, respirator fit testing challenge and more

Workers with laptop

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

Injury and illness records are due March 2

OSHA requires certain employers to electronically submit a summary of their injury and illness records using OSHA Form 300A. Submissions for 2022 are due by March 2.

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)

NIOSH launches crowdsourcing competition for respirator fit testing

In an effort to improve respirator fit testing, NIOSH launched a competition offering $350,000 in total prize money for creative solutions. To participate in the Respiratory Fit Evaluation Challenge, individuals or companies must submit a concept paper outlining an idea on how to improve respirator fit testing. Entries are due by May 1.

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)

FMCSA denies petition for hair sample testing

Last August, a coalition requested that FMCSA amend the definition of an employer’s knowledge of a positive drug test to include recognizing hair test results as an alternative drug-testing method. The group reasoned it would increase public safety by more accurately detecting drug users. FMCSA recently denied the petition stating it lacks the statutory authority to do so.

Studies, resources, trends, news

Tips for a safer workplace

Results from the Employee Safety Report show that 73% of employees place high importance on feeling safe at work and nine out of 10 think it’s the employer’s duty to ensure safety. An Occupational Health & Safety article shares eight tips for improving workplace safety, including addressing hazards, implementing innovative solutions, hiring occupational therapists and more.

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