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November 24, 2020

Even during COVID, heavy holiday traffic will create travel hazards

vehicles in rain, heavy traffic

The COVID-19 pandemic has reduced the number of people traveling in the U.S., but millions of Americans will take to the road this holiday season. Travel is expected to rebound significantly from the lows of the pandemic as people take the opportunity to see family members for the first time in months. Traditionally, the holidays are the busiest time of year for travel so it’s important that drivers — whether they’re traveling for work or leisure — take extra precautions.

In 2019, 67 people (PDF) were killed on Texas roads during the Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s holiday driving periods. According to the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), there were 37 fatalities over Thanksgiving, 6 at Christmas, and 24 during New Year’s travel. This is only a portion of the 36,096 fatalities on U.S. roads last year which is why driver safety should be an essential part of any employee training program.

Increased traffic, extended travel times and weather-related road conditions all present drivers with significant challenges during the holiday season. These driving tips can help Texans safely reach their destination.

  • Maintain your vehicle. Check your oil, coolant, wipers and tires before beginning your travel.
    Carry the right equipment. Flashlight, jack, fully inflated spare tire, phone charger, blankets, emergency food and water, roadside flares, ice scraper, hand warmers and jumper cables are all part of a well-stocked travel kit.
  • Be awake and alert. Get plenty of sleep before beginning your trip and take frequent breaks.
    Watch your speed. With heavy traffic during the holidays, controlling speed becomes especially important.
  • Avoid distractions. Distracted driving is dangerous. To stay focused, set your navigation device before heading out on the road and avoid touching your cell phone. Keep your hands on the steering wheel, your eyes on the road and never text while driving.
  • Buckle up. Every passenger should wear a seatbelt and infants and small children should be in appropriate car seats.
  • Check the weather report. Before setting out on the road, check weather reports and adjust your route and arrival time if you encounter unsafe conditions.
  • Never drive impaired. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, impaired driving kills over 10,000 Americans each year. That’s one person every 50 minutes.

Texas Mutual Insurance Company is deeply committed to driver safety. By spreading the word about how to avoid seasonal road hazards, we’re helping our employees and our neighbors have a healthier, happier and more festive holiday.

If you’d like more information on keeping drivers safe throughout the year, check out these additional tips.

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