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December 15, 2020

Company’s culture of service recognized with annual Governor’s Corporate Community Volunteer Award

Central Texas Food Bank

Texas Mutual’s commitment and significant contribution to strengthening Texas communities through service and volunteering over the past year earned the company the 2020 Governor’s Volunteer Award for Corporate Community Impact. The Governor’s Volunteer Awards were recently presented to 12 recipients by Texas First Lady Cecilia Abbott in conjunction with the OneStar Foundation.

Last year, Texas Mutual employees volunteered 5,300 hours to help serve over 103 nonprofits across the state. Texas First Lady Cecilia Abbott specifically recognized our longstanding and deep partnership with the Central Texas Food Bank. In early 2019, our employees set out with a goal to increase volunteer participation and revamp pantry distribution logistics and operations to better serve families in need.

Nearly 550 hours of volunteer support were provided to the organization in 2019 as employees hosted team-bonding events and recruited family members to join in. These volunteers helped distribute 390,655 pounds of food to 6,619 families.

Texas Mutual is committed to building a stronger, safer Texas, and it is an honor for that effort to be recognized. Learn more about our community giving at, and see more of our work and accomplishments in our 2020 year in review.

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