Learn how to keep employees safe on the job without ever leaving the office. Register for an upcoming webinar below or view one of our many past webinars.
If you have questions about workplace safety, call our safety services support center at 844-WORKSAFE (967-5723) or email safety@texasmutual.com.
Webinars will be posted online in the week following the live webinar presentation.
Webinars are regularly scheduled, so check back here often.
View recordings and download presentations from our past webinars.
April is driving safety month, so we’re discussing ways to keep your employees safe while on the road. We’ll discuss how to create a driver safety program to protect your employees.
It’s that time of year again! Rain, sleet and snow can cause some serious accidents. We’ll discuss how you can protect yourself and your employees with winter driving safety tips.
Motor vehicle accidents are consistently at the top of the charts for injuries and deaths. We'll discuss how distractions affect our driving and how to remain focused behind the wheel.
The most dangerous hazard your employees face on the job might be something they consider second nature: driving. Traffic accidents cause 40 percent of workplace fatalities. Learn how to develop a driving safety program and protect your employees.
Our Work Safe, Texas Virtual Summit featured panel discussions with safety experts and members of the business community on protecting your people and business. The event also provided a demo of beforeduringafter.com, an online resource that can help Texas businesses prepare for, respond to and recover from disasters.
Do you know how to protect yourself in an incident involving workplace violence? This month we’ll discuss some methods of preparing for violent incidents in the workplace, including company procedures that can help prevent them.
Incidents happen on the job every day. Are you ready to administer first aid if necessary? We will discuss the basics of first aid and what to do in an emergency situation.
Do your employees know what to do in the event of an emergency? We’ll explain what should be included in your emergency action plan and how to train your employees.
Every year Texas sees our share of fires, tornadoes and floods. Are you prepared to respond when a disaster strikes? We'll discuss ways to prepare yourself, whether at home or at work.
How do you keep your employees safe when you have an active shooter on the premises? We’ll discuss how to prepare for an active shooter situation and provide tips for keeping your employees safe in the moment.
Despite the advancement of modern technology related to safety and security, we are still challenged by the human beings using this technology. Cameras, alarms and access controls do little good if your people let or even "invite" the wrong people in.
Likewise, if you have a workforce that is primarily outside of the workplace interacting with an (unknown) public, cameras, alarms and access controls no longer apply, and yet you are just as liable for their safety and security in the field as those who work in the office. And in data security, firewalls do little to mitigate your risks if outside forces hack your "people" instead of your computers through various social engineering schemes, including bribery and blackmail. So, what is the answer?
We asked noted risk management and threat assessment strategist, Jeff McKissack, President of Defense By Design, to help us address these issues and challenges.
Are you or your employees a little too stressed lately? Find out how you can reduce your stress levels and increase productivity in the workplace.
More and more companies are drawing connections between workplace wellness programs and safety records. Wellness programs consist of activities and policies that promote healthy behaviors and the good news is you don't need to invest a lot of money to implement one. We'll share some information on the benefits as well as practical, inexpensive tips you can implement immediately.
Cluttered walkways, wet floors and unsafe behaviors make navigating the workplace a slippery proposition. In fact, slips, trips and falls are the second-leading cause of workplace injuries. Tune into this webinar for practical tips on keeping your employees' feet on solid ground.
Employee wellness and employee safety are inseparable. Learn how to break down the silos between the two programs and maintain a healthy, safe workforce.
This roundtable discussion features five Texas Mutual safety professionals with a collective 85+ years of experience in the industry. Learn about the personal experiences and perspectives of the panelists in their safety roles, characteristics of successful safety professionals and emerging trends and technologies in workplace safety.
Each year, thousands of employees suffer from a heat illness, with dozens of cases resulting in fatalities. As temperatures rise, make sure your workforce is ready to handle the heat. In this presentation, we’ll discuss common heat-related illnesses, how to help your employees prepare and items you should include in your heat illness prevention program.
The office can be a breeding ground for sickness, especially during flu season. Learn how to stop the spread of germs and help keep your employees as healthy as possible.
For millions of people, August is back to school month. Learn what precautions we all need to take now that school is back in session.
Are your safety meetings feeling repetitive? We'll discuss some core elements of conducting safety meetings and how to help your employees get the most out of them.
You can't see the virus that causes the flu, but you can protect yourself by washing your hands regularly. Proper hygiene is also critical in protecting employees from other unseen hazards, such as poor air quality and loud noise. It's called industrial hygiene, and we explain the basics during this brief presentation.
Create a new year’s resolution for your organization by recommitting to the importance of safety. We’ll review the core elements of a solid safety program and discuss how to make sure that your program is working.
Between tools, materials, equipment and multiple crews, construction sites can be hazardous. We’ll discuss the deadliest hazards for the construction industry, including falls, struck-by incidents, electrocutions, caught-in/between incidents and motor vehicle crashes.
Does your company have a process to actively identify potential hazards in the workplace? Learn how to use safety inspections to identify hazards and ensure all current and potential hazards are corrected or controlled.
Everyone has a job to do when it comes to safety. We'll walk you through a job safety analysis (JSA) and discuss the importance of keeping your employees involved when it comes to hazard awareness and implementing controls.
Hazard prevention and control strategies are not created equally. We'll show you how to put the hierarchy of safety controls to work in preventing accidents.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires many employers to maintain and submit injury and illness records. In this presentation, we’ll discuss the criteria for keeping OSHA logs, reporting severe injuries and submitting data electronically.
Each year, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) releases its 10 most frequently cited standards for the previous year. During this presentation, we’ll review the list for fiscal year 2022 and discuss changes from the previous year, common issues leading to citations and tips for avoiding citations.
On November 9, we hosted our third summit of the year. Watch the recorded event below to hear panel discussions with safety experts and business leaders on safety trends in the construction industry and working with OSHA.
Navigating the waters of OSHA regulations can be tough. We’ll discuss some frequently asked questions and best practices regarding OSHA compliance, and provide resources that can help you stay up to date.
What are OSHA’s fatal four and how do you avoid becoming a victim of them? We will discuss how to keep your employees safe from OSHA’s fatal four hazards.
OSHA is responsible for enforcing federal safety and health regulations. Learn how OSHA selects workplaces to inspect, what OSHA agents look for during the inspection and what you should do to make it run smoothly.
About 2.3 million workers are exposed to silica each year. We’ll talk about the dangers associated with respirable silica and cover the requirements associated with OSHA’s new ruling.
Learn how pre-planning can help improve your safety program. In this presentation, we'll discuss creating effective standard operating procedures (SOPs), using them for year-round training and leveraging Texas Mutual's free resources to enhance your safety efforts.
Between learning job tasks and getting familiar with a new company, employees are more likely to become injured within their first year of employment. Implementing a new employee orientation (NEO) can help you get your recent hires off on the right foot. We'll discuss why NEO is key to a safer workplace and provide examples of successful programs.
Is your safety program getting stale? We'll give you a few practical tips for recharging your batteries and sending your employees home injury-free in 2016.
Are you a safety manager wanting to implement a comprehensive safety program? This webinar will discuss key elements to building a safety program and how to incorporate it in your company.
Having a safe work environment requires teamwork and commitment from each member of the organization. We'll discuss how to create a safety culture that keeps employees involved and promotes safe behavior all year long.
In this webinar, we discuss what to do after you implement your safety program and how to make sure your employees stick to it all year.
Are your employees using their personal protective equipment (PPE) correctly? We’ll discuss the correct uses of PPE and provide creative tips for getting employees to follow the rules.
Does your company use heavy machinery and equipment? Injuries and deaths caused by these types of accidents are on the rise. Learn how to decrease the risk of injuries and deaths by implementing a strong safety program.
eMods are known by many names - experience modification rates, EMRs, EMR ratings - and, for many employers, they can be a mysterious number. We'll talk about what this rating is and how it impacts your company.
If an OSHA inspector comes knocking, you want to be ready. The Occupational Safety and Health Consultation (OSHCON) program can help. OSHCON program manager Chris D'Amura from the Division of Workers' Compensation will explain how you can leverage this free service to boost your compliance efforts.
How to spot health care fraud and abuse.
Ask your insurance agent about workers' compensation with Texas Mutual. If you need help finding an agent, we can help you connect with one.